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» Elin Synnøve BrÃ¥then
Homepage of the great singer and songwriter.

» Steve Dobrogosz
Homepage of the iconoclastic pianist.

» NorCD
Norwegian label specializing in modern and folk-related jazz


» Espen Rud
Espen Rud on Wikipedia

Norwegian Independent Record Company Association

Norwegian royalty collection organization

» Molde International Jazzfestival
The largest international jazzfestival in Norway

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CURLING LEGS RELEASES BY Sidsel Endresen/Bugge Wesseltoft

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  Sidsel Endresen/Bugge Wesseltoft
Duplex Ride

The 2nd release from this breathtaking duo. 5 years of internatial touring has brought them up among the most original artist in the world, stunning the audience as well as the critics with their beautyful and expressionistic music.

CLCD 41 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Sidsel Endresen/Bugge Wesseltoft

A stunning debut from two of the most prominent in jazz, totally defining their own style. Noone sings better than Endresen and Bugge's emotional depths in his pianoplaying is a must for music lovers.

CLCD 14 | 1995 | listen and buy