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Norwegian Independent Record Company Association

» Helge Lien Trio
Helge Lien Trio website

Norwegian royalty collection organization

» Knut Værnes
The official homepage of the Norwegian master of the guitar.

» Gibson
The home of fantastic guitars...

» Fersk Lyd
Mastringstudio for most Curling Legs releases. Also for selected recording sessions.

» Jazz To Jazz
International Jazzweb

» Espen Rud
Espen Rud on Wikipedia

» Kongsberg international Jazzfestival
A medium-sized international jazzfestival with many great artists


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CLCD | |
  1300 Oslo
Live In The North

A 12-piece hardswinging and energetic ensemble takes it all the way in this ferocious release. Recorded live during a Scandinavian tour last fall. Great compositions, great arrangements. great solos and great interplay makes this an immediate c

CLCD 63 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Ab und Zu

Modern pop/rock/jazz beatifully played and produced by one of Norway's leading groups. Very inventive guitar playing. Lyrics by English poet Fran Landesman.

CLCD 25 | 1996 | listen and buy
  Ab und Zu
Dark Glasses/Love Does Funny Things (remix)

Single release from the album Totally.

CLCD 33 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Ab und Zu
Sparks of Life

An emotional and strong album by these grteat veterans!

CLCD 74 | 2002 | listen and buy
  Arne Olav Hageberg
Firogtjue kalde

Som akkompagnement til den bitende frosten slipper artisten Arne Olav Hageberg singelen «Firogtjue kalde» førstkommende fredag 1 Februar.

CLCD 132 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Arne Olav Hageberg

Arne Olav Hageberg sin songpoesi flyt fram på ei mjuk bølgje av folketoneinspirert fingerspel, duvande melodiar og akustiske klangar.

På si andre plate presenterer songar, låtskrivar og gitarist Arne Olav Hageberg eigne melodiar i akustisk tapping, med meiningssterke og poetiske tekstar. Med seg har han nokre av landets mest erfarne musikarar. Legg til Hageberg sitt eige elegante og originale gitarspel, og du har eit album som kan koma til å oppleva mykje åleinetid i cd-skuffa.


Kristin Skaare (trekkspel og piano),

Magne Askeland (fele), Audun Erlien, Kjetil Saunes og Åsmund Reistad (bass),

Wetle Holte og Lars Even Tørresen (trommer),


Elin Synnøve Bråthen (kor).

CLCD 133 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Audun Kleive/Jon Eberson
Music For Men And Machines

Ambient synthesized abstractions with el. & ac. guitar.

CLCD 04 | 1993 | listen and buy
  Bjørn Klakegg
A day with no plans at all

The new release from master quitar-player and inventor Bjorn Klakegg. With Harald Skullerud (perc) and Kare Christoffer Vestrheim (keyb.) 

CLCD 93 | 2005 | listen and buy
Silver Sun

bol is an energetic, powerful and improvising live band. Their music is a hybrid og genres, definately rooted in our own town. They are experimenting with the blend of acoustic and electric, improvised loops, noise and effects.

CLCD 89 | 2005 | listen and buy

1 drummer/programmer and 2 computer wizards were given the chance to turn the Curling Legs catalogue inside out. The result is a 12' vinyl containing 4 separate remixes with guitarsounds, voices, bass-attacks, percussion and drum cut-outs. All

CLCD 64 | 2001 | listen and buy
REWORKS; What kind of machine is this?

We are very proud of this project.
The electronica-trio Chillinuts has sampled and remixed excerpts from the whole Curling Legs catalouge of modern jazz for more than 3 years! The result is really stunning, and you can hear artists

CLCD 83 | 2004 | listen and buy
  Come Shine
Come Shine

CD of the year! Singer Live M. roggen excels in this gem of a release. Standards arranged by pianist Erlend Skomsvoll has made it a favourite for both the critics and audience. One of Curling Legs´ bestsellers. A must for any lover of jazz.

CLCD 61 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Come Shine
Do do that voodoo

Live Maria Roggen and her fellow musicians have been in Studio La Buisonne in France and recorded their second album, 'Do do that voodoo'. The result is an outstanding follow-up to their fantastic debut album.

CLCD 75 | 2002 | listen and buy
  Come Shine
Come Shine with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra in concert

Standards like you have never heard them before. Worldwide favourites in arrangements penned by Erlend Skomsvoll. Come Shine backed by the Norwegian Radio Orchestra delivers one of this years most remarkable albums.

CLCD 78 | 2003 | listen and buy
  Crazy Moon
West Side Story

Guro Gravem Johansen, vocals

Torgrim Sollid, trumpet

Håkon Storm-Mathisen, guitar

Sebastian Haugen, double bass

The band says about this remarkable release:

" In this project, we have indulged in the songs from the musical West Side Story, with music by Leonard Bernstein and libretto by Stephen Sondheim. The musical, from 1957, addresses themes like migration, ethnic tensions, poverty, identity, honor, dignity and love without judgment, themes that are at stake even today.

We have played with the songs and put our own marks on them, inspired by the clear rhythmic orientation in the originals. The underlying drama in the story is kept at a cool distance. In our retelling of West Side Story, we have avoided caricatures and dramatic devices, and instead embraced the musical material with our intimate and improvised jazz expression. Along with the hope that there, “somewhere and somehow”, will be a safe place for every human being."

CLCD 158 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Cutting Edge
Alle tre

Norway's leading jazz and fusion band in the 80s, now available on CD. Cutting Edge's three vinyl albums recorded between 1982 and 1986 in one double CD release. With Norwegian booklet only.

CLCD 19 | 1995 | listen and buy
Far North

Modern jazz played by world-known artists.

CLCD 13 | 1994 | listen and buy
  Du og jeg og vi 2-3-4

"Du og jeg og vi 2-3-4" er en groovy trio som elsker å leke med rytmer og improvisasjon. Etter vi hadde spilt noen konserter skjønte vi hvor gøy og utfordrende det var å skrive og spille musikk for barn. Du får ikke et ærligere publikum, på godt og vondt. Vi liker det så innmari godt, og bestemte oss for å spille inn låtene på plate.
Igjennom plata får man møtt mange ulike karakterer og sjangre, f.eks en ballade om en Regnsky som ikke føler seg så velkommen, en boogie-låt om fising, en punke-låt om Rotta Ronny som er lei av kebab, og Fru Rosenstrøm som er en nabodame litt utenom det vanlige - hun planlegger nemlig å rane banken!" 
Produsent er Geir Holmsen.
CLCD 162 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Elin Rosseland - Johannes Eick Duo

CLCD 172 | 2020 |
  Elin Synnøve Braathen
Perfect Addiction

Beatiful songs, great vocals, lyrics and production. This album, should be a hit :-)

CLCD 152 | 2016 | listen and buy
  Elin Synnøve Bråthen
The Anchor And The Dream

Elin Synnøve Bråthen with her 2nd release. Irish inspired pop from this excellent singer/songwriter.

CLCD 114 | 2010 | listen and buy
  Elin Synnøve Bråthen
Time to Cross

"Time To Cross" er en usedvanlig radiovennlig poplåt: catchy, melodiøs, feelgood, med sterk signatur og med vokalharmonier som fester seg i øret. Den portretterer det å gi slipp på tung ballast i liv

CLCD 100 | 2012 | listen and buy
  Espen Rud

11 original composisions by veteran drummern Espen Rud.
Performed by  Espen Rud and his 7- piece band. 

Frode Nymo - Alto Saxophone (no 1, 5, 10, 11) Soprano Saxophone (2, 6, 7, 8)
Atle Nymo - Tenor Saxophone

CLCD 121 | 2011 | listen and buy
  Espen Rud

Drummer and composer Espen Rud with a stunning new album. Innovative compostions, a great mini-ensemble and superb interplay instantly  makes this recording a true classic.


John Pål Inderberg - sopran

CLCD 127 | 2012 |
  Espen Rud
Ukjend By

«Ukjend by» er en av tekstene skrevet av Stein Versto fra Vinje som Espen Rud tonsatte og fremførte under jubileumskonserten for Arendal Jazzklubb i 2012. Et flott ensemble med strålende solister og med de samme musikerne med tillegg av Knut Riisnæs.

Tekstene, korte, lekende og flere mer episke i formen, er skrevet i Verstos egen målform – den vakre Vest-Telemark dialekten. Diktene gir rom for flere musikalske uttrykk og dette har komponisten/Espen satt i et klart jazzrelatert perspektiv hvor improvisasjoner, tekster og melodier står side om side.

To dikt av Brynjulf Bjørklid fra Tromsø/Oslo har også Espen tonsatt. Disse er også innspilt på CDen «Ukjend by» som presenteres på Herr Nilsen. Alt er innspilt februar i år i Rainbow Studio ved Jan Erik Kongshaug.
Musikk og arrangementer: Espen Rud Tekster: Stein Versto og Brynjulf Bjørklid

Medirkende på releasekonserten:
Lars Klevstrand – sang
Frode Nymo – altsaksofon
Knut Riisnæs – tenorsaksofon
John Pål Inderberg – barytonsaksofon
Atle Nymo – bassklarinett
Erlend Slettevoll – piano
Terje Gewelt – bass
Jai Shankar – perkusjon
Espen Rud – trommer

CLCD 136 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Espen Rud
Carla.The Fish

Curling Legs slipper Espen Rud sitt nye album,
«Carla. The Fish».
Musikken holder som vanlig svært høy standard og
Espen eksellerer med tildels intrikate, men samtidig
lett tilgjengelig arrangementer.
Besetning er, som vanlig, fra førstedivisjonene i norsk
FRODE NYMO (Sopran & Alt Sax)
ROB WARING (Vibrafon)
ESPEN RUD (trommer)
Og gjest:
ATLE NYMO (bass-klarinett)
Espen sier følgende om tittelen:

"På tittelsporet til “Carla. The Fish” finnes det et tematisk sitat fra en komposisjon av Carla Bley
(amerikanske pianist og komponist). Min låt hadde først tittelen “Sitatfusk”. Ved annonsering før
fremføring av denne endret jeg tittelen der og da til “Sitatfisk”, siden det ikke er fusk å sitere andre
når det sies hvem man siterer. Og det gjorde jeg. Jeg hadde jo bare fisket opp noen strofer fra
havet av musikk. Begeistret for låta, fremføringen, tittelen “Sitatfisk” og Carla Bley kom en finsk
kvinne til scenen og fortalte at kala betyr fisk på finsk. Klart at min komposisjon umiddelbart ble
omdøpt til “Carla. The Fish”. Sitatet er i komposisjonens mellomparti, det såkalte stikket (the
Bridge) blant musikere.

CLCD 159 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Espen Rud

To be released soon.
More info TBA.

CLCD 167 | 2018 |
  Eyolf Dale
Hotel Interludes

Eyolf Dale with a stunning solo-debut. Already a success with both the press and audience.


CLCD 122 | 2011 | listen and buy
  Eyolf Dale
Hometown Interludes

Hometown Interludes:  2nd solo-release from the innovative piani-master of improvised music.

CLCD 137 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Fire Fyrer
Prøysen goes Jazz

For etpar år tilbake fikk
Torbjørn Sunde, vokal & trombone
Frode Kjekstad, gitar
Espen Rud, trommer & percussion

CLCD 124 | 2012 |
  Frode Kjekstad
New York Time

«This young genious has a perfect sense of time and rythm» (Just Jazz Guitar)

The Norwegian guitar player Frode Kjekstad has been to the Big Apple to record with Dr. Lonnie Smith, Byron Landham and Eric Alexander! A milestone in Norweg

CLCD 79 | 2004 | listen and buy
  Frode Kjekstad
The Italian Job

Guitar equilibrist Frode Kjeksatd with his 2nd solo-release on Curling Legs.
Along with Alberto Marsico (organ) & Enzo Zirilli (drums) Kjekstad explores the classic guitar-trioformat.
Original compositions and original play

CLCD 125 | 2012 | listen and buy
  Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic

Ultrahip, retrospective technojazz by master trio. Synths, samples, electric and acoustic music.

CLCD 23 | 1996 | listen and buy
  Grethe Kausland
Jazz my Way

The famous Norwegian actor and comedian, Grethe Kausland, passed away last year.

In co-operation with her daughter, Janne Kausland and pianist Per Husby, Curling Legs now releases some fantastic recordings featuring the British jazz<

CLCD 110 | 2008 | listen and buy
  Gunnar Andreas Berg
The Music Machine

Some fantastic guitar playing from a true master of the instrument. One of the most dedicated and hard-working guitarist in Norway with his first CD on Curling Legs.

CLCD 27 | 1996 | listen and buy

Improvised electric jazz by four strong individuals.

CLCD 03 | 1992 | listen and buy
The 00 Quartet

The 3rd. release on Curling Legs from saxophonist Morten Halle and guitar-veteran Jon Eberson. Hard swinging and original modern jazz from a great quartet that includes Aslak Hartberg on bass and Pål Thowsen on drums.

CLCD 59 | 2001 | listen and buy
The Eagle

Acoustic and electric modern jazz, played by four very strongminded musicians.

CLCD 17 | 1995 | listen and buy
  Halles Komet
The Storm Inside

More info soon...

CLCD 154 | 2016 | listen and buy
  Hans Mathisen
Quiet Songs

The great guitarist Hans Mathisen with his debut - cd.
With Olga Konkova (piano), Gary Husband (drums) and many others. 

CLCD 92 | 2005 | listen and buy
  Hans Mathisen
Timeless Tales

The great guitarist puts out his 2nd release on Curling Legs. This time an impeccable and fantastic live-recording og a commissioned work fram 2009. With the Royal Navy Big Band, choir and church-organ. Backed by his trio Hans is in great sh

CLCD 118 | 2011 | listen and buy
  Hans Mathisen
The Island

Release: 25th October/TBA

CLCD 144 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Hans Mathisen
Moving Forward

Awesome release from master-guitarist Hans Mathisen with an incredible line-up:

Hans Mathisen - guitar/composer and producer
Jason Rebello - piano
Bendik Hofseth - sax
Mats Eilertsen -bass
Audun Kleive - drums

CLCD 168 | 2019 |
  Hans Mathisen
Orchestral Works

The amazing guitarist and composer with compositions for symphony orchestra and trio.
Very impressive and fantastic interplay.
Hans Mathisen - guitar
Per Mathisen - bass
Andreas Bye - drums
The Norw. Radio Symphpny Orchestra
Conducted by Christian Eggen.

CLCD 161 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Hans Mathisen
Orchestral Works 2

Orchestral Works 2, Directions Suite 1 - 6
Digital release: Jan. 10, 2024

A great sequel to Hans Mathisen, Orchestral Works 1 (2017).
With: The Norwegian Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra. Conducted by Christian Eggen.
Including: Hans Mathines - guitars, Arve Heriksen - trumpet, Bedig Hofseth - saxophone, Petter Wettre - saxophone, Jason Rebello - piano, Per Mathisen - bass, Andreas Bye - drums.

CLCD 305 | 2024 |
  Heidi Skjerve
Morning News of the Woods

Brand new release with the very talented singer and composer, Heidi Skjerve:

"Morning News of the Woods"

With Heidi Skjerve Quintet.

Guested by: Thom Hell (voc) and the Nidaros String Quartet

CLCD 109 | 2008 | listen and buy
  Heidi Skjerve Quintet
Coming Home

Heidi Skjerve accompanied by her excellent band, with a breath-taking debut.
The band plays the compositions of Heidi with passion and excellence.
Expect a bright future from this talent.

CLCD 96 | 2006 | listen and buy
  Helèn Eriksen
City Dust

Singer, songwriter and saxophoneplayer Helen Eriksen with her 3rd release, this time on Curling Legs. She is backed py piano, bass and drums in this very innovative and creative mix of pop and jazz.

CLCD 53 | 2000 | listen and buy
  Helge Iberg

Composer and pianist Helge Iberg with some impressive compositions. The music is built around the lyrics of Norwegian poet Rolf Jacobsen read by author and humourist Odd Børretzen. Other participants include Per Vollestad (vocals), Bendik Hofse

CLCD 54 | 2000 | listen and buy
  Helge Lien Trio
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?

The debutalbum of a young and energetic trio under the leadership of pianist Helge Lien. They interpret tunes from the standard repertoire and the interplay is just great. A critics favourite!

CLCD 62 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Helge Lien Trio

Master pianist Helge Lien with his suberb rythm section is back on Curling Legs with a vengeance. Helge and his trio explores the inside out of the fine art of jazz-improvisaton. Only originals except a brilliant rendition of Paul Desmonds "

CLCD 95 | 2005 | listen and buy
  Hilde Marie Kjersem
Red Shoes Diary

A strong debut album of the very talented singer, lyricist and songwriter Hilde Marie Kjersem and her TUB Quartet (Andreas H. Schei - p, Magne Vestrum - b, Pål Hausken - tr). Inspired by Ani Difranco, Joni Mitchell, she has composed 14 beatiful

CLCD 81 | 2004 | listen and buy
  Håkon Storm
Canned Second

This is the debut for Håkon Storm as a recording artist under own name. And what a debut! In collaboration with Nils Jansen (sax), Finn Guttormsen (bass) and Jarle Vespestad (drums) - Storm is firing away a splendid, energetic guitar style rare

CLCD 87 | 2005 | listen and buy
  Håvard Caspersen
Crossing The Universe In A Day

The ecclectic guitarist, Håvard Caspersen has been a musicians musician for many years, having worked as a sessionguitarist in all kinds of settings.
Now he takes a step forward in his career, releasing an amazing album, with some world-class guitar-playing.
He excels within all kinds of styles as rock, country, jazz, pop etc. are treated with fluency and technical ease.
The album is recorded, produced and mixed in Håvards studio.

Digital release: Monday 12th of December 2014.

CLCD 145 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Håvard Caspersen
Acoustic Short Stories

Håvard Caspersen is a hidden treasure among Norwegian guitarists. This album is intricate and beatiful. Great tunes and fantastic playing.

CLCD 157 | 2016 |
  Håvard Caspersen
On the 42nd floor, a smile kindly awaits you

A great 3rd album from the Norwegian guitar-master.
Digital release: Nov. 29th, 2019

Stian Carstensen: accordion
Håvard Caspersen: electric guitar, baritone guitar, 12 string guitar, ukulele, tanpura &
Frode Ågedal Berg: bass
Rolf Øyvind Hæg: drums
Anders Viken: drums
Børre Flyen: drums
Håvard Gryting: voice.
Torstein Lofthus: drums
Silje Ræstad Karlsen: Voice.

All compositions by Håvard Caspersen.
Recorded, mixed and produced by Håvard Caspersen.
Mastering: Your Sound Mastering

CLCD 170 | 2019 |
  Ingar Kristiansen/Torstein Ellingsen
The Sinatra Songbook

Singer/crooner Ingar Kristiansen and drummer Torstein Ellingsen has put together a hardswinging sextet. The band does terrific renditions of standards originally made immortal by the greatest singer of all times: Frank Sinatra. Guest vocalist M

CLCD 67 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Ivar Kolve Trio

Ivar Kolve Trio er igjen plateaktuelle med et nytt album. Det nye albumet har fått tittelen ”Innover” og er den første utgivelsen siden den kritikerroste debutplaten ”Ope” kom ut i 1998 (Nor-CD). Ivar Kolve Trio is yet again out with a new

CLCD 86 | 2005 | listen and buy
  Ivar Kolve Trio
View from my room

The sequel to "Innover" from 2005 by the master vibist, Ivar Kolve. Assisted by Sebastén Dubé on bass and Stein Inge Braekhus on drums, Ivar tells great musical stories with his excellent vibraphone- and marimba-playi

CLCD 105 | 2008 | listen and buy
  Jacob Young
Pieces Of Time

The music consists mainly of originals by Jacob and is very accessible and reminiscent of early Keith Jarret/Jan Garbarek. Great playing by the new generation of great, young Norwegian jazz musicians.

CLCD 37 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Jacob Young

Guitarist Jacob Young with his 2nd release on Curling Legs. Good melodies and great playing on top of grooves looped and played by Who´s Who on the Norwegian music scene!

CLCD 60 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Jan Gunnar Hoff

Modern jazz.

CLCD 16 | 1995 | listen and buy
  Jan Gunnar Hoff

Jan Gunnar's 3rd solo release and his second on Curling Legs. He mixes all his influnces, from freejazz and fusion to the Nordic way of improviseng into his own style. A

CLCD 44 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Jan Gunnar Hoff
In Town

4th release from master-pianist/synthezist Jan Gunnar Hoff. With Audun Kleive - drums, Tore Brunborg - sax and Bjørn Kjellemyr on bass, he further explores his melodic and rhythmic mastery on In Town. He is aided by guitarist Børge Pettersen Ø

CLCD 77 | 2003 | listen and buy
  Jan Wiese/Håvard Caspersen/Håkon Storm
Log House

When Håkon Storm and Jan Wiese first met and played together in the spring of 2017, they uncovered the potential for a particular kind of music – a unique and interesting kind of jazz. Of the many excellent guitarists on the Oslo scene, Håvard Caspersen was asked to join a few months later. The oboe and English horn in combination with the various guitars created a fascinating and rich blend of timbres. Håkon and Håvard represents the elite of Norwegian jazz guitarists with several albums on Curling Legs and a wide range of high level collaborations and performances. Both are renowned for teaching guitar-talents at Norwegian Academy of Music and privately. Jan is one of few oboists who has devoted a lifetime career to playing improvised music. He is an extraordinary musician with an international reach who makes music that crosses boundaries with skill, inventiveness and imagination.

Recording and mixing engineer: Håvard Caspersen   
Mastering by: Frode Berg 

CLCD 171 | 2020 |
Thirteen Rounds

Veteran and guitar innovator Jon eberson is back with revenge, delivering his greatest recording in many years. His Ensemble consisting of several different setting playing with and oppsed to each others - creating tension and energy beyond thi

CLCD 38 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Jon Balke/Cikada String Quartet

The music is best described as airy, in the sense that Jon«s compositions are treated with the utmost elegance and perfection. But at the same time it sound almost improvised and the interplay between the written string arrangements and Balke's

CLCD 42 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Jon Eberson, Bjørnar Andresen, Paal Nilssen-Love
Mind The Gap

All you have to do is to check this album out!

CLCD 66 | 2002 | listen and buy
  Jon Eberson/Carl Morten Iversen
Jazz For Men

The two veterans finally made it back together after 20 years. Guitar and bass in a beautiful rendition of great jazz-standards such as:

CLCD 65 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Jon Eberson/Carl Morten Iversen

2nd release from this creative duo: Jon Eberson (guitar) and Carl Morten Iversen (bass). On ´Standard´ they are rendering well-known tunes such as ´Polkadots and Moonbeams´, ´Funkallero´ and others, as well as several originals by Eberson.

CLCD 76 | 2003 | listen and buy
  Jostein Gulbrandsen
Looking Ahead

This quartet is a new project and the third album release from guitarist Jostein Gulbrandsen. Originally from Namsos, Norway, Gulbrandsen has been based in New York since 2001. All the 8 songs are written by Gulbrandsen and are ranging from hard-swinging up tempo’s to calm 3⁄4 ballads. You can still find traces of Gulbrandsen’s Scandinavian background in his music and improvisations, but there is also an element from the hectic and urban New York-lifestyle. During the last couple of years, Gulbrandsen has played numerous trio gigs with Mike McGuirk and Mark Ferber and has also worked with Japanese pianist Megumi Yonezawa in several other projects. She is adding another dimension to the group with her sophisticated and harmonically complex playing style.

Jostein Gulbrandsen-guitar 
Megumi Yonezawa-piano 
Mike McGuirk-bass
Mark Ferber- drums
CLCD 165 | 2018 | listen and buy

Modern improvisation, played with spirit and passion by some of the absolutely best jazz players around.

CLCD 22 | 1996 | listen and buy
  Jørn Skogheim
New Direction

”New Direction” er Jørn sin andre utgivelse på Curling Legs og som tittelen antyder, en ny retning i musikken til Jørn Skogheim (gitar, komposisjoner, klarinett og plystring). Først og fremst fordi den

CLCD 117 | 2011 | listen and buy
  Jørn Skogheim
Above Water

2nd release from this virtuoso guitarist.
With among others: saxophonists Bendik Hofseth and Trygve Seim.

CLCD 99 | 2007 | listen and buy
  Jørn Øien

«Geinnodat» er første singel fra Jørn Øiens album «Cosmopolitan».

«Geinnodat» er ofte brukt som en beskrivelse på leia der reinen føres fra et årstidsbeite til et annet. Låta har sterke preferanser til Weather Report, Miles Davis «Bitches Brew» mikset med et nordisk ambient elektronika preg i heftig flørt med joik og den samiske musikktradisjonen. Musikken er pulserende og jagende. De programmerte kjølige elektroniske vevene og synthesizeren smelter sammen med de akustiske trommene, saksofonen og vokalen i et organisk uttrykk der du formelig kjenner energien og framdriften i reinflokken som jager nedover vidda!

Albumet «Cosmopolitan» (som kommer ut 17.mars 2023) er en hyllest til worldmusic, men ikke minst også en hyllest og et resultat av mange år med studier av og fasinasjon for keyboardisten og bandlederen Joe Zawinul, som regnes som en av pionérene innenfor fusjonen av elektrisk jazz og verdensmusikk.

CLCD 301 | 2022 |
  Jørn Øien

"Baraat" er en feel-good låt med positiv energi og overskudd! Den gjenspeiler livsglede, fest og feiring, der tittel og energien i låten skal fremkalle fornemmelsen av en prosesjon med feststemte mennesker! Låten er basert på inspirasjon fra indisk og afrikansk folkemusikk, og amerikansk gospel og jazz-harmonikk, soul og funk.

Musikken er både slentrende og energisk, og koker av gyngende sørstats-funk med virtuos jazzimprovisasjon og herlig blokkharmonisering ala George Shearing. Den siste touchen ligger i de programmerte synthene som frembringer den rurale inspirasjonen fra indisk og afrikansk folkemusikk og fest.

Hør på BARAAT her

CLCD 20059 | 2023 |
  Jørn Øien

Jørn Øiens «Cosmopolitan" er et genreoverskridende album, der krysningen av elektrisk jazz, world musikk, og impulser fra elektronika forenes i en kraftpakke av heftige groover, deilige synthklanger og sterke formidlende soloer og melodier! Albumet er en hyllest til Joe Zawinul og et resultat av mange års fascinasjon og studie av keyboardisten, komponisten og bandlederen , som er ansett som en av pionérene innenfor fusionen av elektronisk jazz og world music.

CLCD 0301 | 2023 |
  Kasper Værnes

Saxophonist Kasper Værnes has brought some of his favorite musicians with him and the result is a new and exciting trio on the Norwegian jazz scene! The band's debut album "Trio" is available on all streaming services from 15 August. The music is based on Kasper Værnes' own compositions - with one leg in the jazz tradition and one leg in new experimental music. The result is a genre-wise range from free-spirited and energetic outbursts via quieter exploratory stretches. It is all tied together by Kasper Værnes' distinctive playing style and personal tone in the alto saxophone.

Kasper Værnes - sax
Trygve Waldemar Fiske - bass
Erik Nylander - drums

CLCD 304 | 2023 |
  Kenny Wessel
Weights & Measures

Kenny Wessel, a soulful, sensitive and dynamic guitarist, who has played with artists as varied as Ornette Coleman, Donald Fagen, and Badal Roy, finally releases his new CD, Weights & Measures on Nonotes Records/Curling Legs as.

The CD features a creative, empathetic and exciting ensemble, with Joel Frahm on tenor saxophone, Brad Jones on bass, Kenny Wollesen on drums, and Peck Allmond on tenor saxophone (on "Swamp Meyna”). 

CLCD 134 | 2013 |
  Knut Værnes
Admission For Guitars And Basses

Duets with bass-player Terje Gewelt. Melodic jazz for guitar and bass, played on both acoustic and electric instruments. Morstly original compositions.

CLCD 01 | 1992 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes

Modern fusion. Rangin from freeform pop/rock, ballads, afro and modern jazz. Knut Vaernes - guitars / Morten Halle - sax / Terje Gewelt - bass / Rune Arnesen - drums / NIls Petter Molvaer - trumpet / Bugge Wesseltoft - piano and synths

CLCD 08 | 1993 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes
Jacques Tati

Pop/jazz/rock with a strong melodic flavour and beautiful harmonies played by three expressive individuals. Knut Vaernes - guitars / Frode Berg - bass / Kim Ofstad - drums. Contributions from: Nils Petter Molvaer - trumpet and Bugge Wesselt

CLCD 20 | 1995 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes

New York meets Oslo on a critically acclaimed recording. Cool original jazz tunes virtuosly played. Featuring US drummer Danny Gottlieb and bassist Frode Berg

CLCD 40 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes
Super Duper

Knut Værnes w/ US drummer Danny Gottlieb and Frode Berg (Oslo) on bass with a funky and light hearted jazzrelease. This record will put you in good spirits!!! Some great organ and el.piano playing by Jørn Øien of Oslo and great percussion contr

CLCD 51 | 1999 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes
4G (Frode Alnæs/Knut Værnes/Knut Reiersrud/Bjørn Klakegg)

Four guitarists unites for a truly innovative guitar album. Blues, ballads, funky grooves and sounds. NO DRUMS and synths on this one.

CLCD 52 | 2000 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes and Vertavo String Quartet
A Night in Cassis

Compositions by the guitarist, Knut Vaernes, arranged by Morten Halle and Eivind Buene for acoustic guitar and string quartet.

CLCD 82 | 2004 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes Group

A vigorous jazzrock album from the still young veteran-guitarist  Knut Værnes.
This release is a tribute to the ground-breaking jazzrock guitarists such as
Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, John McLaughlin...

Knut Værnes - guitar
Jørn Øien - keyboards
Frode Berg - bass
and the fabulous
Omar Hakim - drums
Guested by:
Kasper Værnes - altosax

Available on cd now,

Available digitally September 1st.

CLCD 135 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Knut Værnes Group

New and superhot release from Knut Værnes Group: UPDATES.
Nice melodies, tons of solos, funky grooves and great interplay are the key ingredients
 KNUT VÆRNES - guitars
JØRN ØIEN - keyboards
KASPER S. VÆRNES - saxophones
And featuring the legendary:
OMAR HAKIM - drums

CLCD 164 | 2018 | listen and buy
Going With The Flow

Truly original pianist from Russia renewing the classic trio fromat with suberb composistions and playing. With bassist Carl Morten Iversen and drummer Audun Kleive she is exploring really new ground.

CLCD 39 | 1997 | listen and buy

An utmost original debut from 3 young musicians exploring totally new grounds, combining improvisation with loops and sampling.

CLCD 31 | 1997 | listen and buy

Four young women singing their hearts out. From (almost) barbershop to totally free-form improvisations. All a-capella.

CLCD 26 | 1996 | listen and buy
Everything Turns

The 2nd release of the successfull a-capella four-some Kvitretten:

CLCD 50 | 1999 | listen and buy
  Kvitretten og Tor Rebolledo Pedersen
Kloden er en snurrebass som snurrer oss

Another superb album from the acapella group. This time featuring the poet Rebolledo Pedersen.

CLCD 70 | 2002 | listen and buy
  Kåre Kolve
Interactions - Live at Vossajazz

Curling Legs slipper i disse dager saksofonisten Kåre Kolve sitt bestillingsverk til Vossajazz 2015

Kåre Kolve - tenorsax
Mathias Eick - trompet
Per Oddvar Johansen - trommer
Espen Berg - piano 
Ivar Kolve - vibrafon
Anders Jormin  - bass

Kåre forteller selv om konserten: 
"konserten gjekk veldig fint og alle i bandet var einige om at me hadde eit ynskje om å spele dette på fleire festivalar. 
Vi fekk tilbud om å framføra det på Vossajazz 2016 og bestemte oss for å ta opp konserten ”Live”. Opptaket vart såpass bra at me bestemte oss for å gje det ut i sin heilhet. 
Det var ei fantastisk stemning i gamlekinoen på Voss der konserten vart framført, 
og det er med stolthet me i dag gjer det ut så fleire lyttarar kan ta del i opplevinga."

Lytt til Interactions her

CLCD 153 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Kåre Kolve Quartet
Further Directions

Kåre Kolve Quartet follows their debut with the beatiful "Further Directions".

Kåre plays his saxophones better and more personal that ever, with a big vibrant tone and beatiful improvisational taste. The band i

CLCD 115 | 2010 | listen and buy
  Kåre Kove
My Direction

The great saxophonist, Kåre Kolve, with his Quartet releases his long overdue debutalbum: My Direction.

The music is reminiscent of the Scandianan jazz wave that swept the jazz-world in the 70

CLCD 111 | 2009 | listen and buy
  Lars Andreas Haug

Tuba player Lars Andreas Haug in frontline of his own compositions and a strong band containing amongst others Mats Eilertsen (bass), Per Oddvar Johansen (dr) and Trygve Seim (sax).

CLCD 91 | 2005 | listen and buy
  Lars Andreas Haug

På den tredje utgivelsen i eget navn står komposisjonene og arrangementene til Lars Andreas Haug i sentrum. Musikerne i bandet har han samarbeidet tett med siden 90-tallet.

CLCD 129 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Lars Andreas Haug Quintet

The highly acclaimed tubaist with his new release.

CLCD 107 | 2008 | listen and buy
  Lars Danielsson Trio

An inspired new recording with three international masters of improvisation. Really smoking renditions of originals and standards.

CLCD 32 | 1997 | listen and buy

Typically west coast fusion filtered through to remarkable composers and players from the southern coast of Norway. Beautiful melodies, groovy playing.

CLCD 29 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Live Foyn Friis
Running Heart

Curling Legs is incredibly proud to announce the signing of singer and composer Live Foyn Friis for the release of “RUNNING HEART”, September 19th. 2014.

The album consists of original compositions, performed by her band:

??- Live Foyn Friis, vocals & effects?
- Alex Jønsson, guitar & effects & choir
- Jens Mikkel Madsen, double bass & choir
- Andreas Skamby, drums??

They are based in Denmark, a country that warmly has embraced Live and her music as her debut album, Joy Visible was nominated to the Danish Music Awards 2012 for Best Vocal Jazz Album of the year. Live also won the category “The Years Young Jazz Composer in Denmark 2012” and “Denmark’s New Jazz Star” in 2012!?The music is truly original and can be characterized as: playful, airy, lovely and very accessible. She fuses different styles like jazz, pop, electronica, and improvisations into her totally original blend. Something that has been apreciated by musicians like John Scofield, Brian Blade and most of the European jazz/poporiented communities.?

CLCD 138 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Live Marie Roggen/Lars Andreas Haug

The debut of a very unusual duo: Live Marie on vocals and Lars Andreas on tuba. The exceptional talents of these musicians was first heard on various jazzfestivals in 1995. The music: mostly originals but also some very beatiful renditions of t

CLCD 46 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Llive Foyn Friis
With Strings

Singer and composer Live Foyn Friis expandsher musical unverse with this gem of a  recording. Music written the last couple of years performed live with her band and a string quartet. 
The srings sets her songs in a new perspective and and confirms the artistic talent of this incredible artist. With Denmark as her home base the last years, she is currently conquering Europe.
Read more on her homepage.

CLCD 139 | 2015 | listen and buy
Not Around

LOKLYN - Not Around
Single release from her upcoming EP - Pastimes (released in the fall of 2021)

This is LOKLYN´'s first single release and points towards establishing her as an artist, songwriter and singer.

Not around is an evocative and strong song, with a great soundscape and sensitive vocals

CLCD 175 | 2021 |
  Lukas Zabulionis
Changing Tides

Beauty, timelessness and emotions are not easy to describe. But words like: melodic, mysterious and magic are better keywords for describing this fantasic debut-album by an extremely talented musician and composer. 

Lukas Zabulionis - saxopone/compositions
Ivan Blomqvist – piano
Arne Martin Nybo - guitar
Kristian B. Jacobsen - bass
Per Kamfjord – drums

CLCD 155 | 2016 | listen and buy
  Lukas Zabulionis
To the Exit

Lukas is due with a full album, first half in 2021, "Tight turns & Steep Slopes". In the meantime, we are releasing av few tunes from the album as "singles". the first one is called To the Exit. A danceable and happy "song" that encourages us to take a break and "dance our way to the nrearest emergency exit".

Check out video here

With: Ivan Blomquist (pno), Lukas Z (sax), Moren Berger Stai (bass), Ingvald Vassbø (dr), Arne Martin Nybo (g), Per Kamfjord (perc). And: Bart Fermie and Michel de Souza Costa (various perc).


CLCD 173 | 2020 |
  Lush Life


Nina Gromstad - vocals,
Rune Klakegg - piano,
Jan Olav Renvåg - bass,
Stig Sjøstrøm - drums

The jazz quartet «Lush Life» has recorded their first album in Oslo´s Rainbow Studio. The four members of the band have united in a shared interest of jazz and pop music of elegance, style and a wink in the eye.

CLCD 148 | 2015 | listen and buy
  Magni Wentzel

The great singer recorded live at the Oslo Jazzfestival 2003. With: Jon Gordon - sax, Jørn Øien - piano, Carl Morten Iversen - bass and Espen Rud - drums

CLCD 113 | 2010 | listen and buy
  Magni Wentzel
Opera and Spanish Music

On this record Magni Wentzel presents other sides of her talent than of what she is
well known. We know the jazz singer Magni Wentzel – not too many know the guitar
player and the singer in classic European tradition.

CLCD 147 | 2015 | listen and buy
Love Is Blind

Metropolitan was founded by Beate Slettevoll Lech, Morten Halle and Jon Eberson in 1997 with the purpose of playing American standards in new arrangements featuring a string orchestra.

The debut at Molde Jazz Festival 1998 was followed by

CLCD 84 | 2004 | listen and buy
  MonicaZ Vals
Enkel Vacker Øm

«MonicaZ Vals» har samlet sine absolutte favoritter fra den svenske legenden Monica Zetterlunds gyldne skattekiste og slipper de nå på plate!
Kvartetten består av:
Stina Stenerud (vokal),
Paul «Palle» Wagnberg (Hammond B3),
Eirik Berg Svela (gitar)
Erik Jøkling (trommer)
Torsdag 14. november: Stjernesalen på Lillestrøm Kultursenter kl 19:00
Fredag 15. november: Vinger Hotell / Glåmdal Jazzklubb kl 20:00
Lørdag 16. november: Tamburen, Gamle Fredrikstad kl 14:00
Søndag 17. november: Lier Kulturscene kl 19:00

CLCD 169 | 2019 | listen and buy
  Morten Berger Stai
People and Places

People and places is the debut album of bassist Morten Stai. The music is composed for different people and places that the composer has a special relation to. Throughout the album we are taken from the high Norwegian mountains to the dry deserts of the Middle East. Stai plays with a quartet of musicians that he met at the Jazz conservatory in Trondheim, Norway.
Lukas Zabulionis - saxophone,
Ingrid Øygard Steinkopf - piano,
Åsmund Mattias Smidt - drums,
Morten Stai - double bass.

Release: May 8th, 2018.

CLCD 166 | 2018 | listen and buy
  Morten Gunnar Larsen/Georg Reiss

Ragtime pianist Morten Gunnar Larsen and clarinet virtuoso Georg Reiss offers a journey through 20th century jazz. Compostions by Gershwin, Piazolla and Weill and more are beatifully treated by two masters of their instruments.

CLCD 55 | 2000 | listen and buy
  Morten Hall - Into The Wild Hills
Jazzalbum 2018

Sax-veteran and composer Morten Halle is fronting a new constellations he has called:
Into the Wild Hills.
The album is quite simply called Jazz Album 2018 and is due March 2nd, 2018.

Into The Wild Hills are:

Morten Halle - sax
Helge Lien - piano
Gunnar Halle - trp
Christian Meaas Svendsen - bass
Andreas Wildhagen - trommer

CLCD 163 | 2018 | listen and buy
  Morten Halle
Ten Easy Pieces

Saxophone player/composer Morten Halle with a brilliant new album
With Anders Jormin on bass and Svante Henryson on chello.

CLCD 94 | 2006 | listen and buy
  Morten Halle
Halles Komet

Saxophonist Morten halle with his new release in a classic and international line-up: 
André Petersen - piano (South Africa)
Edvard Askeland - bass
Torstein Lofthus- drums

CLCD 103 | 2007 | listen and buy
  Morten Halle
Northern Arc

In addition to all the original compositions on the album, Northern Arc uses traditional music from Norway and other countries as wellm in their arrangements and improvisations.The trhree vocalists are familier within the traditional Norwegi

CLCD 126 | 2012 | listen and buy
  Morten Halle - Into the Wild Hills
Starter Kit

Morten Halle - altsaxofon
Gunnar Halle - trompet
Helge Lien - piano
Christian Meeas Svendsen - bass
Andreas Wildhagen - trommer

Tittelen "Starter Kit" henviser til de nye oppdagelsene en kan gjøre når en prøver seg på noe for første gang: Leketøyet pakkes ut, delene settes sammen og en ny verden åpner seg. Musikken er enkel og tilgjengelig men inneholder små forhindringer, kanter og spisse hjørner som kan overraske og utfordre både musikerne og de som hører på. Noe av materialet er små utskrevne stykker, annet utgjøres bare et par akkorder eller en ide utformet med tekst.

Dette er bandets andre album, innspillingen ble gjort i Musikkloftet Studio i Asker i februar 2022 med Vidar Lunden som tekniker. Lyden på albumet er naturtro, klar og transparant. Albumet plasserer seg inn i den nordiske jazztradisjonen - man kan høre at musikerne har med seg referanser tilbake til 70 -tallet men sammensetningen og materialet tar disse ideene med seg inn i et nytt og litt annerledes landskap - av og til åpent og inviterende, av og til litt vanskelig å finne rundt i men med nye overraskelser i vente bak neste sving.

Spotify link..

CLCD 303 | 2023 |
  Morten Halle/Carlo Morena

Release: October 29th/TBA

CLCD 141 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Niels Præstholm - Embla Nordic Project

The debut of one of Scandinavia's finest modern jazzensembles. A great example of the

CLCD 45 | 1998 | listen and buy
Det absolutte nullpunkt

Modern jazz. New sounds and colors on the guitar. A broad spectre of ethnic percussion sounds.

CLCD 02 | 1992 | listen and buy
  Oslo 13

Modern jazz. The last CD from one of Scandinavias finest ensembles, led by pianist Jon Balke.

CLCD 07 | 1993 | listen and buy
  Out To Lunch

Modern compositions and jazz with strings and vocal upfront.

CLCD 15 | 1995 | listen and buy
Shaken - Not Stirred

A saxophone quartet for the 90s. From lullabies and marching bands to freeform improvisations.

CLCD 06 | 1992 | listen and buy

Curling legs departs into pop-land for this one. Sometimes one comes across music that defies categories. The mix of massive arrangements, heavy synth bass-lines and original melodies sung by the great Samira of England makes this a heavy-hitte

CLCD 57 | 2001 | listen and buy

Paris /Oslo er et resultat av Petter Wettre's beslutning om å flytte til Paris i 2020 for å la seg inspirere, utveksle idéer og utvikle sin musikalske horisont, men samtidig opprettholde bandet som ble igjen i Oslo.

Med medlemmer basert i henholdsvis Oslo og Paris føles det naturlig å benytte navnene til disse metropolene som backdrop for prosjektet.
Denne konserten ble tatt opp i sin helhet både i bilde og lyd og ble innspilt på ærverdige Herr Nilsen i Oslo 25.september 2021.

CLCD 0300 | 2023 |
  Patrick Shaw Iversen
Floating Island

This is another recording showing the compositional talent and flute virtuosity from a true innovator og the instrument. As Patrick explains:

CLCD 43 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Petter Wettre Quartet
Pig Virus

4 angry Norwegians blowing their hearts out. Energetic modern jazz, played with vicious ferocity.

CLCD 28 | 1996 | listen and buy
  Pål Thowsen
...the rest is rumours

After ten years - the comeback album of one of Europe's greatest drummers. Featuring Jon Eberson on guitars, Steinar S. Nickelsen on organ and vocalist Sidsel Endresen.

CLCD 73 | 2002 | listen and buy
  Radka Toneff

A new release with the legendary singer, Radka Toneff. Consisting of recordings made by the Norw. Broadcasting Corp. in 1980, Danis Radio in 1982 and live at the KOngsberg International Jazzfestival in 1977.

Also containing two video

CLCD 108 | 2008 | listen and buy
  Roy Hellvin Trio
Old Friends

Debut-cd from the veteran pianist. Standards and modern musical-standars.

CLCD 72 | 2003 | listen and buy
  Rune Klakegg / Jan Olav Renvåg Duo

Rune Klakegg - piano Jan Olav Renvåg -double bass

Rune says about the album: "This recording consists of Norwegian folk tunes, arranged and performed by Jan Olav and myself. The material is gathered from written sources as well as from various musical collaborations with folk musicians throughout the years."

CLCD 149 | 2015 | listen and buy
  Rune Klakegg trio
Romantic Notions

The Norwegian veteran lends discreetely from his improvisational mentors, Bill Evans, Earl Hines, Art Tatum and Chick Corea on this extravaganza of an album. With bassist Jon Olav Renvaag and drummer Roger Johansen he presents his intricate

CLCD 123 | 2012 | listen and buy
  Sidsel Endresen/Bugge Wesseltoft

A stunning debut from two of the most prominent in jazz, totally defining their own style. Noone sings better than Endresen and Bugge's emotional depths in his pianoplaying is a must for music lovers.

CLCD 14 | 1995 | listen and buy
  Sidsel Endresen/Bugge Wesseltoft
Duplex Ride

The 2nd release from this breathtaking duo. 5 years of internatial touring has brought them up among the most original artist in the world, stunning the audience as well as the critics with their beautyful and expressionistic music.

CLCD 41 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Sir Marit
We Own This PLace

An amazing singel by singer / songwriter Siv MArit. On Curling Legs´alterego: POPDIVISION.

Check out Siv Marit here..

EP out SOON!

CLCD 143 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Siv Marit
Play Hard (EP)

5 great songs from singer/songwriter Siv Marit.
Great programming, heavy synths, great singing!
Produced by Arve Furset and Daniel Loberg

Relased on Curling Legs pop-label: POPDIVISION

Available in all streaming and download services.

CLCD 142 | 2014 | listen and buy
  Solveig Slettahjell
Slow Motion Orchestra

The debut cd og the great talent Solveig Slettahjell promises a bright future. This releases features Solveig in a setting that spans from 12 ensemble to trios and duets. Except one song she does mostly ballads. The cd has received a fabulous r

CLCD 69 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Solveig Slettahjell

2nd release of singer Solveig Slettahjell and her band, The Slow Motion Quintet. Innovative interpretations of standars like Second time Around, What is This Thing Called Love, 12th of Never and many more. Also includes one original of Solveig:

CLCD 80 | 2004 | listen and buy
  Solveig Slettahjell

The brand new Pixiedust separates itself fromt the two previous releases by containing mostly original compositions and lyrics by Peder Kjellsby. A bundle of songs tailor made to Solveig and her unique voice. The music is tranquil and reflectiv

CLCD 90 | 2005 | listen and buy
  Solveig Slettahjell
Good Rain

A great successor and a giant artistic leap for Solveig and her band, Slow Motion Quintet.

CLCD 98 | 2006 | listen and buy
  Solveig Slettahjell
Domestic Songs

The latest release from the highly acclaimed singer.
This time playing the piano herself and assisted by Sjur Miljeteig on trumpet.
Slow Motion Quintet participates on 3 songs.

CLCD 104 | 2007 | listen and buy
  Soo Cho

Soo Cho: pianist, composer, bandleader, organizer. ?Her musical language is one of sensitivity, of natural lyricism that is truly striking.

PANDORA is emotion, nuance, music to your ears, gradually deepening.

Javier Girotto (soprano saxophone),
Sven Happel (bass) 
?Jasper van Hulten (drums)

CLCD 130 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Steve Dobrogosz
Your Songs

Steve Dobrogosz interprets songs composed by Elton John. This is an oustanding sequel to the apraised Lennon/McCartney-release from 2009

CLCD 116 | 2010 | listen and buy
  Steve Dobrogosz
Golden Slumbers

The legendary pianist Steve Dobrogosz plays the music og Lennon/McCartney. Just listen and you´ll understand....

CLCD 112 | 2009 | listen and buy
Enjoy Storytellers

Modern improvisation based on all styles, from pop to Hawaiian music.

CLCD 11 | 1994 | listen and buy
  Svein Olav Herstad trio
The Ballad Book

Fantastic and innovative trio playing original compostions and standards.
Available both in vinyl and cd-format

Svein Olav Herstad - piano

Magne Thormodsæter - bass

Håkon Mjåseth Johansen - drums

CLCD 156 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Svein Olav Herstad Trio

Svein Olav Herstad - piano,
Magne Thormodsæter - double bass
Håkon Mjåset Johansen - drums.
Schizo is a tribute to those who have a thought or two too much in mind. This is the trio's seventh release, and the fourth with the current crew. Schizo brings elements from the previous records, such as high-energy jazz music and ballads. The album has a broad expression, where the musicians improvise together through their own and others' music, in an exquisite way.

CLCD 174 | 2021 |
  Svein Rikard Mathisen
Copenhagen Diaries

Impressisve debut-album by the very talented guitarist Svein Rikard Mathisen.
Modern jazz jazz treated with elegance and ease.
Svein Rikard Mathisen (NO))- guitar
 William Larsson (SE) - Piano
Paul Hinz (SE) - Kontrabass
Andreas Fryland (DK) - Trommer

CLCD 150 | 2015 | listen and buy
  Svein Rikard Mathisen

We are proud to present such a bright talent as Svein Rikard. It is not often that you hear true original voices
among the young talents in Norwegian jazz, but here we have an exception.
Keywords: modern and innovative.
Svein Rikard Mathisen - guitar/compositions
Søren Gemmer / William Larsson - piano/wurlitzer
Paul Hinz - double bas
Andreas Fryland - drums
Erik Kimestad Pedersen - trumpet

CLCD 160 | 2017 | listen and buy
  Svein Rikard Mathisen & John Derek Bishop
Calm Brutalism

Single from the upcoming album, Calm Brutalism is now out on all digital platforms.
The duo consists of Svein Rikard Mathisen (guitar) and John Derek Bishop (sampling /
electronics). The album title gives some hints about the music: the brutalism it refers to is not a condition of "cruelty", but rather to the brutalism of modern architecture.
Brutalistic structures that are visually impressive, while still appearing as "raw"
and unfinished surface designs.
A trans-media analogy for Mathisen and Bishop's music, which they have
called "monumental but vulnerable"
As Mathisen himself writes in this poem:
Calm brutalism entangling the roads
Rest now in gloating darkness
Reveal yourself soon monkey
After corporations, lucent leaves grow.

Digital release: 18 February 2022
Album release: April 1, 2022 (vinyl and CD)

CLCD 176 | 2022 |
  Sverre Gjørvad
Denne lille pytten er et hav

Drummer Sverre Gjorvad with his stunning debut-cd. Featuring singer Live Marie Roggen, bassist Mats Eilertsen, guitarist Nils Olav Johansen as well as sax, tromboe and keyboards, this cd has received great reviews from the Norwegian music press

CLCD 68 | 2001 | listen and buy
Bussene lengter hjem

Thoroughly composed jazz with lyrics, sung and read by vocalist and two poets.

CLCD 09 | 1994 | listen and buy
Med kjøtt og kjærlighet

Translated: "with flesh and love". This CD features surreal, modern poets Niels Fredrik Dahl and Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen as well as the singer Eldbjørg Raknes. Music and Norwegian poetry is a mix of compositions and improvisation with a lot

CLCD 36 | 1997 | listen and buy
Alene hjemme

This celebrates the 25th anniversary as an ensemble and their 3rd release on Curlin Legs. The band has developed into a composers workshop, mixing all kinds of styles, combined with the lyrics of well-known Norwegian poets.

CLCD 58 | 2001 | listen and buy
  Tellef Øgrim
Wagon 8

Wagon 8 is a co-operation between fretless guitarsit tellef Øgrim and polish drummer and electronist Jacek Kochan.
The music is free form improvisations and electronics.

CLCD 101 | 2007 | listen and buy
  The Crossover Ensemble
The Crossover Ensemble

The debut-recording from one of Denmarks best young bands. Modern jazz and fusion. Beautiful arrangements and playing in the typical nordic style. Recorded in Rainbow studios by Jan Erik Kongshaug.

CLCD 24 | 1996 | listen and buy
  The Source
Olemanns kornett

Show their respect for the great Ornette Coleman.

CLCD 10 | 1994 | listen and buy
  The Source
The Source: Of Christmas

Christmas carols with a host of guest artists. Played in the most hilarious fashion, combining straight ahead arrangements and the freeform thinking of Ornette Coleman. Totally crazy and very laugh-provoking.

CLCD 21 | 1996 | listen and buy
  Tobias Sjögren/Per Jørgensen
Unspoken Songs

CLCD 97 | 2006 | listen and buy
  Torbjørn Sletta Jacobsen
Time Layers

Debut album from saxophonist Torbjørn Sletta Jacobsen. Great compositions and great interpretation by a well-playing ensemble.

CLCD 119 | 2011 | listen and buy
  Torbjørn Sletta Jacobsen
Biting Tails

Original compositions by the very talented saxophone player, Torbjorn Sletta Jacobsen.
Torbjørn Sletta Jacobsen – altsax (bass-clarinett)
Gunnar Halle – trumpet
Espen Eriksen – piano
Audun Ellingsen – bass
Freddy Augdal Wike – drums


CLCD 146 | 2015 | listen and buy
  Tore Brunborg Quartet

Modern jazz by four international artists redefining the classic quartet setting.

CLCD 05 | 1993 | listen and buy
  Tore Brunborg/Jarle Vespestad

Master saxophonist Tore Brunborg in duo with the great talent of drummer Jarle Vespestad. The duo plays numerous standards, such as 'Django' and 'Eiderdown' as well as some originals. This CD received the best possible reviews in Norw. press.

CLCD 47 | 1998 | listen and buy
  Tri ò Trang
Plays Jon Eberson

Tri o trang consists of pianist Helge Lien, tubaist Lars Andreas Haug nad Torben Snekkestad on sax.
They asked veteran master-guitarist Jon Eberson to compose, arrange and play with them on this fantasitc endeavour.
Exploring the re

CLCD 88 | 2005 | listen and buy
  tri o´trang

CLCD 97(1) | 2006 | listen and buy
  Ung Pike Forsvunnet
Kraften i Oss To

”Kraften i oss to” ble spilt inn i Parachute studio ved Møllafossen i Oslo våren 2012 av produsent/tekniker André Viervoll. Under hans magiske fingre vokste det fram et lydbilde som gjorde bandet høyt

CLCD 128 | 2012 | listen and buy
  Ung Pike forsvunnet
Skatteni Skrinet (singel)

”Skatten i Skrinet” er en kjærlighetssang bygd på et klassisk enkelt gitar-riff. Teksten er direkte, og en duett mellom to som har stått hverandre nær lenge og har tenkt å fortsette med det tross sla

CLCD 131 | 2013 | listen and buy
  Ung Pike Forsvunnet
Ung Pike Forsvant (Singel. Label: Popdivision)

Alle gode ting er 3: Et julehefte, en vinylsingle og godt besøkte konserter i Norges 2 største byer. Alle gode ting er også 33: Ung Pike Forsvunnet byr seg igjen fram, 33 år etter oppstarten. Anledningen er et unikt samarbeid mellom Oslobandet og Bergens fremste privatetterforsker Varg Veum.


CLCD 151 | 2015 | listen and buy
  Urban Tunélls Klezmerband
In der Finster

A fantastic release: "Tom Waitz meets Farmers Market playing traditional jewish Klezmermusic"

CLCD 120 | 2011 | listen and buy
  Vidar Johansen Trio

Very original and inspired live - debut by a true master on the saxophone and a rock steady rythmsection. Twisted jazz.

CLCD 30 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Vigleik Storaas
Open Excursions

The master pianist: Vigleik Storaas - all solo. Vigleik shows his talent, passionate playing and lyricism on this fantastic release. Recorded both at the famous Rainbow Studios in Oslo, and at the Sofienberg Cathedral. Open Excursions has recei

CLCD 49 | 1999 | listen and buy
  Vigleik Storaas Trio

Classic jazz trio of international format playing modern jazz. Inspired by Bill Evans, Keith Jarret, Monk etc.

CLCD 18 | 1995 | listen and buy
  Vigleik Storaas Trio
Andre bilder

Second release from award-winning pianist and composer Vigleik. Further exploring the acoustic landscape of the classic trio format with virtuoso co-musicians Johannes Eick on bass and Per Oddvar Johansen on drums.

CLCD 35 | 1997 | listen and buy
  Vigleik Storaas Trio

Storaas pulls of another vast album, lauded by critics! With: Vigleik Storaas - piano, Per Oddvar Johansen - drums and Johannes Eick - bass.

CLCD 71 | 2002 | listen and buy
  Wiese Wøllo Waring

A masterpiece originally recorded in 1984 by world engineer Jan Erik Kongshaug. Transparent and vividly played, the music is a blend of great compositions and improvisation.

Jan Wiese - oboe/Erik Wøllo-guitar/Rob Waring-vib

CLCD 106 | 2008 | listen and buy