The latest release from the highly acclaimed singer. This time playing the piano herself and assisted by Sjur Miljeteig on trumpet. Slow Motion Quintet participates on 3 songs.
The brand new Pixiedust separates itself fromt the two previous releases by containing mostly original compositions and lyrics by Peder Kjellsby. A bundle of songs tailor made to Solveig and her unique voice. The music is tranquil and reflectiv
2nd release of singer Solveig Slettahjell and her band, The Slow Motion Quintet. Innovative interpretations of standars like Second time Around, What is This Thing Called Love, 12th of Never and many more. Also includes one original of Solveig:
The debut cd og the great talent Solveig Slettahjell promises a bright future. This releases features Solveig in a setting that spans from 12 ensemble to trios and duets. Except one song she does mostly ballads. The cd has received a fabulous r